Hello and welcome to another Hill and Ponton video blog. I'm Matthew Hill and I'm Carol Ponton. Today, we want to talk to you about a certain kind of widow's benefit called the ICY benefits. There are several ways to obtain this benefit, and essentially, it is an ongoing monthly stipend or pension that a widow, survivor, or widower would receive if the veteran died due to a service-connected disability. The primary reason that people receive this benefit is when the veteran's service-connected disability was the main cause of death. For example, if a veteran with a service-connected disability dies from a heart attack, the widow would be entitled to service-connected compensation for that. However, there is another way to show a service-connected death that can often be overlooked by the VA. In some cases, the veteran's service-connected disability may not be the main cause of death, but it can contribute to the death. For instance, if a veteran with service-connected PTSD dies from a heart attack, and the veteran's treating psychiatrist confirms that the PTSD and anxiety contributed to the heart problem, the widow can still be eligible for DIC benefits. Similarly, if a veteran has diabetes and a non-presumptive service-connected heart disease, and dies from the heart disease, the diabetes can be considered a contributing factor to the cause of death. In one case, we had a veteran whose severe arthritis contributed to the development of heart disease and consequent death. There are various ways in which disabilities can contribute to a veteran's death, so it's important not to disregard the DIC benefit just because the disability is not the exact cause listed on the death certificate. Lastly, it's worth mentioning that if a veteran has been 100% disabled for ten years, it doesn't matter what the cause of death is. Even...
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Va notice of death Form: What You Should Know
Sep 18, 2025 — Although the act prohibits repaying the deceased veteran's account until six months after they are listed on the Veterans Disability Benefits Schedules, a service member may be notified of his/her eligibility for disability or survivor's benefits. (17-1.3) However, in a death occurring in Iraq/Afghanistan, the member should be notified at 120 days after the Veteran died. Mar 15, 2025 — There are no changes in the Death Investigation Process for the veteran. If your loved one is deceased at the time (on leave, etc.) of your filing a claim for an award for the veteran, VA personnel will conduct a thorough analysis (using the VBA's online Service-Disabled Veteran Classification System) to determine if the veteran is entitled to a monthly pension, and if so, the amount. When the results are known, the veteran will be notified (usually by regular mail) and will receive a final decision from VA within 10 to six weeks. If the results suggest that the veteran will not receive a monthly retirement pension, and the family intends to file a claim for the payment, the veteran's surviving spouse or other adult family member, if not a relative, may file a claim as of 30--45 days after the death. Note: If a service member died while on active duty or a service-connected family member (spouse, children, family member, other) was the veteran's dependent, this claim may be filed as of 45 days after the veteran died or will be reviewed as soon as possible. Nov 30, 2025 — If your disabled veteran's beneficiary number is on a beneficiary roll of your surviving spouse, you may begin to apply for a monthly payment or a new beneficiary at this time. A VA official at your local facility will receive a claim for a new beneficiary to collect what is left of your family's compensation. If you are receiving a monthly pension or widow's pension (and your family has received money from the VA for disability) to avoid an overpayment, you must notify the federal VA immediately at.
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